Another week and what a week. We had a little snow, a little ice, a lotta cold and a couple of really pretty days. Today was sunny and above 50 degrees. We didn't accomplish a lot this week with an upcoming doctors appointment with the New York doctor. I saw my general practioner twice to have blood drawn and saw the kidney doctor this morning.
The news from Dr. Alam wasn't good but it wasn't too bad. I have done a lot of research on this disease and found out some of what I needed to know. It is incurable but treatable. It is in both kidneys and no one can pinpoint as to how long I've had it or when I will move from stage 3 to stage 4. We will have to keep an eye on the GFR rate and the creatinetine level. As those begin to rise the closer you get to kidney failure. So the key is to get a protocol set and treatment started. Dr. Alam wants to doctor in NY to set the protocol. He has put a call into Dr. Appel's office and left my name and number but they have not called me. He's going to call again on Monday and said if I have not heard from either Dr. Appel or the doctor in St. Louis by Wednesday to call him back. So here is another week of hurry up and wait. I am not a patient person nor do I not like to be in contol but this may teach me both. Aha!
I was really down yesterday and needed a grandkid fix. We picked our Rachel up after school, she's 15, and then we all went out to see the others, Kelton who is 14 and Josi who will be 13 in 2 months. Then when we took Rachel home we saw Zared who will be 20 in a month. So I had my grandkid fix and that helped the "blues".
Started on my Hawaii scrapbook this afternoon. So I should finish it really soon and then I'll start on Rachel's. She's going to be 16 in September and I'm working on one of her life. May take me that long to get it completely done. We have thousands of pictures and I've got to pick out just the right ones.
So better get busy. Have a good one.
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