It's been a while since I posted so I've got some catching up to do. After the rise and fall of the potassium scare I had 2 fainting issues. Once I was standing in the kitchen and down I went and the next one was the next day while my friend Pam and I were shopping. Scared her to death. So 2 weeks ago my general physician called my heart doctor and he had me go to the hospital. There they did a nuclear stress test and after getting injected with the radiation and glowing I made it 8 minutes on the treadmill. That alone liked to have killed me. Then last week I went back for an echocardigram. Today I saw the heart doctor and guess what - MY HEART IS NORMAL. That's what they say but with all the incidents they are going to talk to the kidney doctor to see about doing a heart cath to make sure. I could be just having some rhythm problems due to the rise and fall of the potassium. But the heart cath medications does damage to the kidneys and before we do that the heart doctor wants to check with the kidney doctor. We don't want to do anything to bring on more damage to the kidneys. So again we hurry up and wait. I see Dr. Alam on Tuesday and the heart doctor is sending his report to him. I swear I wasn't this sick when I worked. I guess it's because I have the time to think about it. Other than just being tired all the time I really haven't had anything else going on...for an entire week.
Well, going to bed and getting ready to enjoy one more pretty day tomorrow. The weather here has just been beautiful and the sunshine has been great!
Take care and I'll keep you posted.